What is this garbage?

I guess those of you stuck, either as a hobby or as protagonists (voluntary or involuntary) in the issue of creepypasta
you may have read some rather gloomy stories about Pokemon. Whether true or not it is true that some people have even gone further and has recreated such creepypasta computer.
So you can find emulated versions of such popular creepypastas as "Lost Pokemon Silver" or the stories of the "White Hand" and the man buried alive in Lavender Town. I walked proving these "hacks" when I found something that I wish they had never seen. Sometimes reality surpasses fiction.
I looking for one of those entertaining "hacks" with doses of horror came across a German page whose name escapes me right, something like "Pokemongrauen". There were a lot of material on Pokemon, but already knew almost all original versions of the first, some hacks quite widespread ... Although I found one that did not recognize, and as a lover of these modified Pokemons I decide to try it. His description only said: "Schwarzes Pikachu" (black or dark Pikachu).
Once uncompressed run the game. He came with a ".exe" to run directly without emulator. Run the game and after a few seconds the window opens. At first you see nothing but a black screen, without any sound. Not the typical screen "1995 Nintendo" or "Game Freak", but the first image that appears is the Pokemon Pikachu Yellow appears in the distance running. But with a subtle difference: Pikachu did not move, his ghostly face remained motionless in the center of the screen.
I pressed the buttons (I set the A, S, D and F keys) like crazy to move from the main menu once, but nothing happened. Instead there were two
red spots on the face of the dark Pikachu, right in the position they would their eyes; and a red line reflecting a sinister smile. His face was clearly aimed at the viewer, that diabolical face was for me. Now, with that same face, they were going Pikachu approaching scenes in the original Pokemon Yellow, but happy to collate or surfing Pikachu balloon.
I tried to press the keys again hoping to get rid of this dark vision, but the keys did not respond. Finally Pikachu's face filled the screen, and its two red eyes appeared finally the menu with "Neues Spiel". Beneath it was impossible to understand gibberish, but I figured it would be options. The game was partially translated into German, as used to happen when formerly translated Japanese Super Nintendo games, the parties still untranslated were riddled with random meaningless symbols none. The original language of this particular version was impossible to guess, and German translator also left its signature on the game; probably had no intention of finishing the translation.
Finally we entered the game (I will make the translations in Spanish, luckily I have 2 years studying German). Everything starts normal with Oak talking and upbeat music that accompanies it, but soon noticed something odd. Pokemon Yellow Pokemon showing Oak is a cheerful Pikachu. But instead of Pikachu who was to appear again the dark of the introduction Pikachu appear, this time with his sprite fighting and better definition and pixelated, allowing appreciate all the details.
His eyes were not red as it appeared in the introduction were spattered with blood. He had three drops falling from each eye to his mouth. His smile was disfigured, seemed the picture of a sad clown, mouth mixed with blood pouring from his eyes. Oak continued his usual speech but after spending the dark Pikachu stopped short. He did not let me choose my name, jumped directly to the image of my opponent.
The last thing displayed is the breathy sentence
"I see that…".
Again the screen freezes and desperate, he starts to wonder close. I try to give the "X" but as often happens when you want to close something is not working. 10 seconds later Windows says the program does not respond and if I want to force the closure. But then I noticed something strange in the game. The image of my opponent had changed subtly. It seems that the game is finally put seriously and put it to full screen to get into the story better.
His smile was going to be my opponent had changed direction. Now it was a sad face. Press the A key repeatedly, until I noticed something moving: the two black dots that represented his eyes began to fall to the bottom of the screen. In its wake, leaving in its wake a red rasto. In the place of his eye sockets were only two small gray boxes.
Did it have anything to do with what the last word of Oak was "I see ..."? Who wants to see? Why does my opponent has lost the eyes?
In any case when the eyes touched the bottom of the screen the game itself finally began. I started in the room, everything normal, but without music. There are only sounds in the game .. I was curious to know what name I would have touched so open the menu ... but I do not see anything like a name; put in place "DOOMED ONE" (in English, "the convicted", "unfortunate" ... you can get an idea).
Entering ONE DOOMED appeared a different standard menu. The name was ONE DOOMED, ​​right, but instead of putting money AGE: 18 RIP. Was the pokemon trainer destined to die at age 18? A much less risky prediction. And in time,
despite finishing start, and had 7 hours and 6 minutes. The faces of the fitness trainers were not, it was all black boxes. No that could mean, if they did not exist, were not born ... or died.
Down Under where he should be my mother but the house is empty. But my stomach twisted to go out and not find the sign "ONE DOOMED House". In its place was a tomb, including the famous tombs of Lavender Town. And by pressing A message "Mother Sentenced" appears. But that was not all, right on the other side of the house there was something else, like a black square that looked like the entrance to a cave. But it was not a cave, he could not enter; and pressing A message appeared "Tomb of the Damned - 18 J". My own grave, waiting for my body arrived.
I talked to the villagers, including the for laboratory, but only two enigmatic constantly repeated phrases and meaningless:
"I see ... you're dead and do not know"
"You know ... I can see it in your soul ..."
I ignored the message and went as usual to the grass to appear Oak and give me my Pikachu, which was my first pokemon. Oak appeared, everything normal, but the pokemon he faced was not what I expected, but one who had seen: Pikachu was dark, with the same bloody eyes just now, and with that sad smile disjointed. It was at level 60.
Oak launched pokeball with which always catch Pikachu ... but escaped! How could he escape from a predefined and essential fight for the game? It is clear that the game would have nothing normal. Pikachu would not, could not defend myself. But luckily he was still fighting Oak.
Oak tried to flee ... but not worked. Oak message appeared on the screen:
"No matter ... He has seen that we are dead ..."
and after he used his first pokemon: A Lapras level 1 Pikachu used "Dream Eater" ... and it worked despite Lapras was not asleep, it worked. What did it mean? Oak used his second pokemon: Ditto, Ditto 99. With level had a chance.
He used Transform and took the form of dark Pikachu. Ditto could use the infernal capabilities that Pikachu. But Ditto Oak side disappeared ... and Pikachu team appeared with two members now. Ditto had joined Pikachu.
Oak phrase appeared again on screen:
"I see ... he also has seen ... and we are not here ...".
Then, as before with my rival BLUE pass or GARY, or how you pusiésemos, Pikachu's eyes began to move, to fall on his face to the bottom of the screen, leaving only a gray silhouette where needed be their orbits. There was a flash on the screen
and I came out of combat, in the same place where it had begun the fight.
In the grass Oak figure he looked, but it was not the same: it was completely gray, instead of his usual white tone. Opposite was a Pikachu, like the following you during the game, but black, representing the same he had fought Oak. Both collapsed the way. Speaking with Oak he repeated that "you do not see ...". By clicking on this Pikachu he screamed (the sound in the game) and my character is "teleported" turning on itself, as when digging in a cave. I came back into my room. It seemed that the game started again.
I opened the menu "Doomed". Now playing time was ... 0: 05 ... and went back. I stayed 5 minutes and did not know what, but more shocking was that the faces of the coaches were no longer black. They had been replaced by various sprites Dark Pikachu, all showing his smile from different angles.
I went to the room below and surprisingly now if that was my mother. But it was not a happy reunion. In talking to her just she said
- "At last I see you, my son."
No idea who it could be, but whatever it was time ran against me. I left home and this time, apart from my mother's grave, where before there was another cross the open grave. Pressing A message appeared:
"Here you lie you. For all eternity".
I took a quick walk around the village. He could not enter homes or out on the road, an invisible barrier (with sound when you crash)
I prevented it. I spoke with two people of the village but did not understand what they said, the German translator failed so far and only read things like "$% -" 3 ".
I looked at the menu again with the haunting black Pikachu until time ran out. Arriving at 0:00 left the menu and saw that the sprite of my character was completely white with a few black lines that drew his appearance on the game. I kept turning until I came to try my grave. It was the last thing I did.
My character returned to "teleport" to a cave. He seemed to be in the middle of the cave Digletts, but caught between four invisible walls that prevented me from moving. I waited and waited and nothing happened within 20 minutes. Perhaps it was this what they meant to be blind from the truth, in a dark place ... for all eternity, the meaning of death hack .. The author wanted to share their dark vision of death, only one fruit troubled mind.
I closed the game and my heart sank. The wallpaper on my desktop had become the image of black Pikachu, as it had been the first time in the center of the screen with its two red eyes and devilish smile. I am not able to understand how the "hacker" managed to change my wallpaper while playing without alerting Windows change or my Firewall, Antivirus and Antispyware. Scared that my safety could be compromised tried to reverse the change ... but Windows gave me error accessing the Display properties.
Immediately rebooted fear me anything. When Windows starts again was back above my background, relaxing screensaver with clouds. Deleted ipso facto called "Schwarzes Pokemon Pikachu" and all traces of it from my computer. But I feel that if any reason reappears dark a picture of Pikachu my heart could not bear. And it's not a joke.